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It's 2020 Ya'll!

Well obviously right. It's the 11th of January, I need to catch up. None the less Happy New Year everyone and I hope it has been a great one so far and I hope you accomplish every goal you've set for yourself and your family.

I have had a pretty decently busy first few days of the year so I apologize on being so behind in my blogging, I will not continue to be behind though. Which coincides with my own business goals actually. My business goals for 2020 are to:

1- Be Consistent

I want to be more consistent all across the board. That means with my posting on all social media platforms. Tracking those posts and how well they do, and just interacting with you all more.

2- Gain at least 150 new followers online

This goal is per platform. I want to find new people that my services could help and keep them active and engaged with my posts.

3- I want to rebuild my regulars clientele list!

This is a big one for me. Once upon a time I had some of the absolute best regulars and I loved seeing those smiling faces and wiggly butts! Once I graduated from college and moved I lost the majority of my regulars due to distance. Me personally I love doing things for people and its easier to do that for my regulars, and I want to get back to that.

4- I want to be apart of at least 3 large events this year.

2019 I did my first big event and I had a great time. Not only was it great for exposure but I love seeing everyone's pets! Especially when they're all dressed up


5- Do another Parade

2019 was also the first year I have ever been in a parade for my business and I'd like to do another one! The first one I had done was an invite to walk with an AWESOME hair company called SnapBack Hair Salon.

2020 I want to do one on my own and I'm going to.

So those are my goals for A's Pet Service for 2020 and I'm going to accomplish them.

It's the year of Development for me. What is your theme and goals for this year? Comment and let me know! I'd love to help in any way that I could.

As always thanks for reading the A' Word see you back here next time!


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